Postcard is the workhorse of direct marketing. Postcard marketing really works that’s why direct marketers have used this marketing tool for decades. You can use postcard marketing with any form of marketing.
Postcard is the workhorse of direct marketing. Postcard marketing really works that’s why direct marketers have used this marketing tool for decades. You can use postcard marketing with any form of marketing. To get the best return on your investment, you should make constant improvements in every aspect of postcard marketing campaigns. Here, are few effective ways to increase consumer response rates with postcard marketing.

Start with the Big Idea:
Good offer can motivate your target audience to respond immediately. A pretty postcard alone cannot motivate people; you need to have solid promise of value. Before you decide about the wording and design of postcard you should focus on the big idea behind your direct mail postcards. Offer incentives or discounts to make people say “I definitely want to know more about that product”.
Mailing List:
After deciding a big idea for your direct mail postcard, you need to create a mailing list to match best audience profile as closely as possible. An in-house list of the target market is the best way to go. You can call an expert for this purpose to assist you.

Postcard headline
With direct mail postcard you only have few seconds to capture the reader’s attention. You can refer it as golden glimpse the moment when postcard comes out from the mailbox whether to attract them or not. A strong heading can help to engage in postcard headline. Your postcard headline should hold following characteristics:
· Consumer can read precisely at first glance
· It should be interesting
· Call-to-action

Postcard Image:
Postcards have limited space so you should choose only one image to dominant postcard on the non-address side of postcard. Be sure, your postcard image supports the mentioned headline. An image should contain following characteristics:
· Image relevant to message and headline
· It should be eye-catching
· Relevant to target audience
Limit the scope of postcard
Limit the scope of postcard to only one product; add relevant, image, service and topic. Don’t try to add multi-topics in one postcard save them for website and brochures.
Clarity of message
Never assume that your target audience will understand about your product and service as well as you – they can’t. So, you should have crystal clear message on your postcard that is easy to understand with only one reading.
Sell the next step
Your audience requires repetitive reminders and updates from you. It seems hard to sell a product with only one postcard you should send postcards to your target audience periodically.

Strong call to action
Call to action is the technique to tell consumers what to do next. Mention your company name and contact information on each postcard to give people an easy way to contact you.
Thus, postcard marketing has proven successful for a number of companies to sell their wider array of products and services. The versatility of postcard marketing allows you to adjust it for almost any marketing purpose. However, postcard marketing has its own set of best practices.